RIVA is based at the RIVA studios on Southgate Road, London. On occasion their may be opportunities for RIVA artists to have a short residency at the studio as part a project working with schools.
Riva 2019 Summer Residency
Performance artist Gary Stevens carryied out Riva's 2019 Summer Residency. Gary is an artist who creates performances and video installations in collaboration with other performers from diverse backgrounds. His solo & ensemble works have been presented internationally in gallery, theatre, festival and public spaces. Visit his website here.
"I conducted experiments with a number of performers towards a live ensemble that generates speech within the group. Each performer contributes to a collective train of thought. No one leads. They all copy and incorporate the additions as they struggle to make a sensible narrative. It culminated in an open studio, where an invited group of artists and experienced practitioners saw and took part in some of the experiments. The demands of the work were offset by the friendly and relaxed atmosphere partly created by the space itself." Gary Stevens
Riva 2018 Summer Residency
A pilot residency took place with artist Sophia Marinkov Jones. Sophie held workshops using work produced during her residency for groups of children from Hackney New School. Large scale drawings were made observing animals moving.
Artists in the future may also have a small exhibition at the studios at the end of their residency.
RIVA workshops will be held in the studios. This has included wildlife drawing.